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There's a reason. Many major retailers, including the Bics and the Yodobashis, are resorting to a lottery system for the PS3. A Bic Camera local to IGN Japan's headquarters in Shibuya's love hotel district will start handing out lottery tickets at 9:00 AM on Saturday. The drawing will be held at 11:00AM. Those who win will be able to select from a 60 Gig or 20 Gig model. The others... will probably be stoned to death.




And so, we can report today that no one has started to line up for the PlayStation 3 in Japan. This is based on a tour we took today of Tokyo's biggest game shops. That's right, the Bics, the Yodobashis, the Tsutayas, the Sakurayas, the Don Quixotes. No matter where we looked, no one was lining up for the 11/11 launch.


There's a reason. Many major retailers, including the Bics and the Yodobashis, are resorting to a lottery system for the PS3. A Bic Camera local to IGN Japan's headquarters in Shibuya's love hotel district will start handing out lottery tickets at 9:00 AM on Saturday. The drawing will be held at 11:00AM. Those who win will be able to select from a 60 Gig or 20 Gig model. The others... will probably be stoned to death.

然后贴了图说明许多零售店都使用了抽签方式来决定PS3的归属,BIC CAM在周六9-10点抽选,11点发表,中选者可以自己决定要20G还是60G...抽不到的仁兄们就地石化吧

Some stores are going with traditional line-up systems. Asking around (in Japanese no less!), IGN was able to learn that the Bic Camera in Yurakucho and the Yodobashi Camera in Shinjuku will start selling the PS3 at, respectively, 7:00 AM and 8:30 AM on Saturday morning on a first come, first serve basis.Why the difference in opening times? The store reps wouldn't confirm this, but Sony Computer Entertainment boss Ken Kutaragi will apparently be making appearances at both locations. They're separated by about 30 minutes or so by train, so Kutaragi should have just enough time to hand off the first (also likely the last -- snap!) PS3 at one location before moving on to the other.


Famitsu's online publication reports that some shops (the site wouldn't name names) were turning people away from lining up too early. Some punks apparently tried to line up on Wednesday night at one shop. The store refused them, citing worries about disturbances to the neighbors, and plans on doing the same to people who attempt to line up Thursday night. Friday night (the night IGN intends to camp out), however, is a whole different story.




