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1最大的游戏  <传送之物:逝者的镇魂歌>

目前最大的游戏就是即将于8月31日在XBOX360上推出的S.RPG游戏巨作<传送之物:逝者的镇魂歌>,测试版容量为25.6G, 因此,正式版的容量肯定要大于测试版.可惜这款游戏正值今年的E3展览的时候,没有推出试玩版,主要是当时的开发度很低,不足以推出试玩版. 这款游戏是XBOX360独占的游戏,其实即使想多平台推出,也是不可能的,鉴于目前PC平台有限的性能,根本是不可能的. 其实,这款游戏如果在PS3上推出是完全有可能的,起码PS3的性能完全合乎标准(PS3的硬盘最大容量为80GB).实际上也是不可能的,因为微软和Sony是竞争对手。


Developer:                 Laminar Research
Publisher:                 Graphic Simulations / Laminar Research
X-Plane is the world's most comprehensive, powerful flight simulator, and has the most realistic flight model available for personal computers.

Welcome to the world of props, jets, single- and multi-engine airplanes, as well as gliders, helicopters and VTOLs such as the V-22 Osprey and AV8-B Harrier.

X-Plane comes with subsonic and supersonic flight dynamics, sporting aircraft from the Bell 206 Jet-Ranger helicopter and Cessna 172 light plane to the supersonic Concorde and Mach-3 XB-70 Valkyrie. X-Plane comes with about 40 aircraft spanning the aviation industry (and history), and several hundred more are freely downloadable from the internet.

X-Plane scenery is almost world-wide, with scenery for the entire United States, Hawaii, Alaska, Europe, Australia, Canada, and Japan on the CD, and more scenery downloadable from www.X-Plane.com. You can land at any of over 18,000 airports, as well as test your mettle on aircraft carriers, helipads on building tops, frigates that pitch and roll in the waves, and oil rigs.

X-Plane 8.x
Windows         any chip, 2 ghz+
Macintosh         G4 or G5 1ghz+
Linux x86                 any chip, 2 ghz+
Linux PPC                 ODW, 1ghz+

RAM         1 gig for speed
Disk Space         60 gig
CD/DVD         DVD
3-D CARD         OpenGL
VRAM         32 meg
Monitor         1024x768+
Joystick/Yoke         USB

