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微软对PlayStation Home发表看法

GDC: Microsoft responds to PlayStation Home

Friday 9-Mar-2007 5:48 AM "I think they've definitely taken some concepts that we originated," Microsoft's Chris Satchell tells CVG

Following Sony's much-discussed PlayStation Home announcement earlier this week, Microsoft's Chris Satchell has talked down the service saying that it's "not a very game-centric approach".

The general manager of Microsoft's Game Developer Group told CVG this afternoon: "I think they've definitely taken some concepts that we originated like achievements, but I think they're pushing in a different direction and we've sort of fundamentally got two different approaches going on here."

"I think theres is very much a vision that people see it and it looks cool but it's fundamentally separate from the games - or at least what they've shown so far."

he continues: "It's a cool world but it's like a little game by itself. Our approach is the other way around; it's that games are the center and that's the star of the show, that's what people buy the console for."

As for how Microsoft is going to answer Sony's user-generated content drive, Satchell says that Forza Motorsport 2 is already prepped to get 360 gamers creating: "You're able to take a car out, completely paint it, completely mod it, tune it and you're able to auction it online, take the funds from that and reimburse them in the game to do whatever you want," he says. "That's great user-generated content. It's not building a world but if you're into racing games it's just as meaningful."

But even Microsoft can't resist Little Big Planet's wool-coated charm: "I think Little Big Planet is very cool," he says. " but I can't see a big portfolio of games at the moment that do this. I don't think there's a whole load to catch up."


Forza Motorsport 2 is already prepped to get 360 gamers creating: "You're able to take a car out, completely paint it, completely mod it, tune it and you're able to auction it online, take the funds from that and reimburse them in the game to do whatever you want," he says. "That's great user-generated content. It's not building a world but if you're into racing games it's just as meaningful."

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