XBOX LIVE相当成熟,后追的唯有从质量和价格上入手,质量上明显超赶显然不易,所以联机对战免费似乎是最直接的手法。
原帖由 killmesoftly 于 2006-10-21 15:45 发表 简直什么?开放和集中这两个模式就一定有谁好谁坏? 这3、4年来网络状况发生了多大的变化?半路出家搞上网的PS2时代和PS3就肯定一样了?
索尼抓住了XBOX LIVE网络的2个具有争议点: 1.微软把住了服务器所有权,游戏开发商受到限制。 2.XBOX LIVE连最基本的对战都收取月租
Activision……仅Xbox Live卖场中销售的《使命召唤2》地图就达到了100万美元的销售额,目前《使命召唤2》仍然是360上最多人玩的网络对战游戏。《使命召唤2》的免费地图包下载次数达到了33.4万次,收费5美元的地图包下载次数达到10.5万次,净利润为36.8万美元,10美元的Invasion地图包下载次数达6.6万次,净利润将近50万美元。
XBL's Greenberg calls PS3 online a "knockoff" http://www.gamespot.com/news/6160292.html GS: What do you think of Sony's choice to use real-world currency instead of a points-based system for purchasing goods online? AG: We were the first platform to offer a microtransaction model online for a console. With the Microsoft Points model, consumers are able to purchase items for as little as 25 cents all the way up to $15, without burdening the consumer with transaction fees or the need for a credit card. The adoption of Microsoft Points has exceeded our expectations with more than 2 billion Points consumed and over 70 million downloads from Xbox Live Marketplace to date. (这篇访谈还有更多其他有关PS3网络服务的“质疑”,当然是来自微软的Live官方人士的言论,或可无视:D)
http://www.tgfcer.com/club/thread-5811324-1-1.html Centralization Unlike other online multiplayer systems (including those used on the PC and PlayStation 2), Xbox Live is highly centralized. This means that while game companies supply the networking code and gameplay, Microsoft provides the infrastructure for services like matchmaking and statistics. This removes some of the financial burden from game developers who do not already have such systems in place, adding incentive to add multiplayer modes to certain genres of non-persistent game. This system also means that instead of paying third parties for access to each individual game, users pay only one subscription fee that covers every game they own. 摘抄一段,Live最大的优势就是中心整合,对于玩家来说是就是人气,是融入感,所有的玩家齐聚一堂,可以结识志趣相投的朋友,然后你可知他有何游戏,可以邀请对战,这都是以往各个游戏网战各自为政所不能达到的,在收费上,玩家不需要对单另的游戏缴费(比如Ps3的麻将),往往,令玩家钟情Live并不是多人游戏本身,而是身在Live Community和好友一起游戏的融入感和满足。 对第三方厂商来说,Live的存在减少了开支,如上文中说,只要提供Networking Code和游戏的多人部分就可以了,而基础架构由微软提供。(Microsoft provides the infrastructure for services),而从楼上几位提供的材料来看,Sony还做不到这一点(从不强制第三方加入网络部分就可看出),这样的模式无论如何也不可能保障所有游戏的网络部分流畅,而第三方也很有可能认为无利可图而干脆不提供Muti模式(近期的Tony Hawk就是这样,现在的理由多半是借口,要是360版即使延期也不会取消网络部分) 一个Centralization背后有庞大的投资,无数的心血,几年的策划及发展,我实在无法相信Sony能免费提供同等质量的服务。
原帖由 sxyzero 于 2006-10-22 17:38 发表 看了LS上的,XBLM无懈可击啊,嘿嘿,简直是世界上完美的典范
原帖由 James 于 2006-10-23 09:36 发表 到底谁很赢不重要,关键是业界在改变,游戏机的历史又步入了一个新的篇章。可惜这里的一部分中国玩家们却依然还停留在争论谁好谁坏的层面上,未免有点肤浅了。