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全世界的玩家,呃,准确地说,全世界的 fanboy 都吵开了锅……

ha...ha...ha...HA...HA...HA....LOL....LOL...LOL....You sony BS3 fanboys just hate it don't you? Yes ! ....it hurts!.....YES IT HURTS BAD DOES'"NT IT? mwah!...ha....ha...ha...ha...HA....HA...HA....HA....LOL....LOL!!!!!!

Xbox fans are acting like nothing on ps3 is exclusive. MGS FF R&C Tekken & etc... all exclusives. Wow one ps3 game goes to xbox 360 while alot xbox games goes to pc. Also from day 1 of assassins creed announcment it was already hinted that it would be multi platform and was never called an exclusive.

"Oh, now we have AC...ps3 sucks, left without games"
"360 rocks! We're getting all the games!"
"We have 25 great titles..OMG!"
"I feel sorry for the PS3 Fans!"
"ZOMG...360 is so gonna WIN!"

I'm sure most 17+ year olds don't give a **** rest of you go on living that poor excuse for a life that you all "claim" to have. It's really sad looking at my fellow gamers saying this kind of foolish Bs, most of you actually mean it and will go on saying this until you realize there is something wrong with you. I, personally don't care what happens in the so called "next-gen", just as long as it all goes underway already. 1/3 just isn't enough for most, it certainly isn't for me. Thank you and Goodbye.


