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[新闻] 【欧美奇幻饭醒目】三八工作室、R.A.萨尔瓦多、麦克法兰

Another EA Vet Joins Ballplayer's Studio

Former Electronic Arts Los Angeles sr. development director Michael Kosenski will be leading development at the videogame studio founded by MLB pitcher Curt Schilling.

As VP of product development at Schilling’s Maynard, Mass.-based 38 Studios, Kosenski will be heading up all aspects of the game development process.

Kosenski’s appointment comes shortly after that of CTO Jon Laff, a former EA Montreal lead engineer whose games include the upcoming Army of Two.

At EA, Kosenski worked on games including Medal of Honor, Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 2 and Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars on Xbox 360.

Like Laff and 38 Studios CEO Brett Close, Kosenski also previously worked at VR1/Jaleco. All three had worked at EA at some point.

The team at 38 Studios is promising. The studio is currently working on an original fantasy IP led by creative director and author R.A. Salvatore and art director and comic book guru Todd McFarlane.


嗯。比较奇怪的一条消息。前全美职棒大联盟著名投手出资建立了一家工作室……38 Studio……取什么名字不好,三八工作室。
该工作室的CTO是前EA蒙特利尔的主程序Jon Laff,作品包括尚未上市的《战地基情》(Army of Two)
日前又传出EA洛杉矶分布研发经理Michael Kosenski跳槽到三八工作室,参与开发。他参与开发的作品包括360平台的荣誉勋章、中土之战2和C&C3。

有趣的是这个:三八工作室目前正在开发的一款全新原创奇幻风格作品,创意总监是奇幻作家 R.A. Salvatore ,艺术总监是漫画大师Todd McFarlane……这个华丽的三八组合会奉献出怎样的作品,个人非常期待……

话说老萨编剧的上一个作品应该是xbox/ps2/pc上的 Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone……游戏一般,太多名人客串登场。老萨的剧本还是不错的。NWN2似乎是DnD CRPG的某种尾声。BioWare似乎专注于自己的IP,没兴趣再开发DnD作品了。Atari境况不佳,PSP上的DnD Tactics也只有请英国小厂做……


[ 本帖最后由 RestlessDream 于 2008-1-5 14:10 编辑 ]


原帖由 DeniumMKII 于 2008-1-5 17:29 发表
PS:谁说DnD没盼头了?去年这个时候不是还有多篇报道指出BG3正在好调开发中(还 ...

