Until Nintendo gets more Wiis on retail shelves, all that is theoretical. Iwata says no single bottleneck has caused the shortage, and that has made the problem harder to solve. Because it was targeting a market that didn't exist, the company had no idea how popular the machine would be. And nobody could have known the Wii would still be selling so well as summer approaches.
原帖由 broomzhang 于 2007-6-2 21:42 发表 这里有一个小问题,原文: Iwata says no single bottleneck has caused the shortage, 翻译为:岩田说不是某一个瓶颈造成了供货短缺 感觉更通顺。 所以说才会让问题更难解决(否则的话,解决了这一个瓶颈 ...
原帖由 NintendoWii 于 2007-6-4 17:39 发表 说真的,回想以前的种种任天堂复苏事件,不由得感慨一下 任天堂真的获得老天的保佑. GB要败多亏了口袋妖怪的井喷. NDS初期不利依靠触摸世纪系列的软件井喷 Wii现在是一发售就持续井喷. 唉唉
原帖由 NintendoWii 于 2007-6-4 17:57 发表 但是运气也是有一定的成分. 任天堂的实力怎样,我清楚的.:D 期待今年E3,哈哈.