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有怪兽!20GB版本PS3从Playstation Store官网消失!

有怪兽!20GB版本PS3从Playstation Store官网消失

http://www.1pstart.com/20gb-ps3- ... -playstation-store/
http://www.ps3fanboy.com/2007/04 ... nys-official-store/

Playstation Store 官网
http://www.sonystyle.com/is-bin/ ... s3&Dept=tvvideo

First Best Buy removes the 20GB PS3 from their inventory, now the official Playstation store discontinues offering them as well. It seems the 20GB PS3 has become the bastard child in the Playstation family.

There’s been no official word from Sony as to why the 20GB was removed from the Playstation Store, but it would seem to me maybe the lack of chrome trim, media card readers, and wireless internet had something to do with it. Oh yea, and also the fact that most PS3 games install files onto the hard drive, and will probably render the 20GB HDD useless after a couple of games.

先是 Best Buy 把 20GB 版本PS3撤下了货架,现在 Playstation Store 官网也不再提供这一型号的销售。似乎20GB版本成了Playstaion家族的弃婴。

索尼官方没有就Playstation Store取消20GB PS3销售发表任何官方声明。(剩下的几句就不翻译了……免得被索饭喷说我不厚道)

