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Sony confirms PSP price cut for US
Ellie Gibson 11:14 (BST) 03/04/2007


A spokesperson for Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has confirmed to GamesIndustry.biz that the price of the PSP has been cut in the US.

Until this week, the Core PSP pack retailed for USD 199.99 (EUR 150 / GBP 100). However, it will now carry a price tag of USD 169.99 (EUR 130 / GBP 85).

The Core pack includes a PSP, battery and adaptor, and retails for GBP 150 in the UK.

When asked if Sony has any plans to cut the price in Europe the spokesperson replied, "We have no announcements to make about the PSP in the European market at this time."

The PSP competes in the handheld market with the Nintendo DS Lite, which has a lower price point of USD 129.99 / GBP 99.99. Last month Nintendo announced that more than 3 million DS units have now been sold in the UK, securing Nintendo a 68 per cent share of the market.

简译(by 叉包):

索尼欧洲(SCEE)官方发言人向英国游戏业界站点 GamesIndustry.biz 确认了美国PSP降价的消息。

本周 核心版 PSP 套装零售价由 199.99 美元降低到 169.99 美元



[ 本帖最后由 RestlessDream 于 2007-4-3 20:46 编辑 ]

