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GDC'07| 集各家之长!《纽约时报》确认PlayStation Home网络计划细节,07年秋季推出

PS3 'PlayStation Home' launches fall '07, confirms NY Times
Posted Mar 7th 2007 11:21AM by James Ransom-Wiley

http://www.joystiq.com/2007/03/0 ... -confirms-ny-times/

The New York Times has confirmed rumors that Sony will today reveal "PlayStation Home," an online service for PlayStation 3. The news was leaked by an anonymous senior game industry executive who was not authorized to discuss the service. Besides the confirmation, scant details suggest that PlayStation Home will apparently blend elements of Xbox 360's Gamertags and Wii's Miis, namely 'achievements' and 'virtual avatars'; PlayStation Home will allegedly allow "users to create persisting online identities that record players' achievements in different games," reports NY Times. "As players progress through a game, they will unlock various virtual prizes that they can then show off to friends and rivals," said the anonymous source. PlayStation Home is currently scheduled to launch in the US this fall.

While expected to disclose full details during a GDC keynote later today, Sony's Phil Harrison briefly detailed the new initiative -- er, Game 3.0 -- in a statement published by NY Times: "The packaged media approach on its own offers a closed experience," he said. "You can only enjoy the game experience that the game developer put on that disc. But with the increase in adoption for the Internet and also the increased bandwidth, the Internet has democratized the audience to become content creators, as well as content consumers, and create what I call emergent entertainment. We've seen that with things like MySpace and YouTube and Flickr. Now we want to take those kinds of collaborative experiences and make them more central to the gameplay experience."


《纽约时报》刚刚确认了此前风传的索尼为PS3准备的“PlayStation Home”(PS之家)在线服务计划。此新闻由一位不便公开身份的匿名业界高层透露。除了确认该计划存在,他还公布了以下细节:
PS Home会融合Xbox 360 Gamertag 和 Wii 的 Mii 两种系统的元素,主要特性是“achievements”(游戏成就)和“virtual avatars”(虚拟替身); PS Home会允许“用户创造持久的网络ID,记录玩家在不同游戏中取得的成就”。“随着玩家的游戏进程,他们会开启不同的虚拟奖品来向朋友或对手炫耀。” PS Home目前预定于今年秋季在美国推出。

有望在尚未开始的名为“Game 3.0”的本届GDC主旨演讲上公布全部PS Home细节的索尼全球工作室掌门 Phil Harrison 向《纽约时报》进行了简要的描述:
“只是自成一体的多媒体内容只能提供有限的体验。你只能享受游戏开发商摆在光盘上的全部游戏体验。但随着互联网用户的增长和带宽的增长,互联网将赋予受众以成为内容制造者的平等权力,虽然他们同时依然也是内容消费者,他们会创造出我称为‘融合化娱乐’的东西。我们从 MySpace 和 YouTube 还有 Flickr 中发现了这一点。因此我们希望能积极吸取这种经验,并将之置于更接近游戏体验核心的位置。”


[ 本帖最后由 RestlessDream 于 2007-3-8 01:34 编辑 ]


原帖由 BD 于 2007-3-8 11:37 发表

为什么Home之后拿出一款完全没名气的Little Big Planet来做演示么?因为Little Big Planet正好是符合Web2.0“以用户为中心, 用户创造内容和价值”的理念。

你以为简单摹仿一下The Simes Online,弄个 The Sims HD,可以自己弄点虚拟道具这就叫“Web 2.0”和“用户平权,既是内容制造者又是内容消费者”了?

在“PS宅”里你到底能创造出什么?其实质难道不是一个The Sims为外壳包装的RSS多媒体阅读器?厂商从这个模式里能建立起什么价值链?这样的虚拟门户和游戏有多大关系?又能从什么程度上促进主机的销售与服务?PS宅这样的模式能增加核心用户的忠诚度还是吸引NU、LU?


Web 2.0本身就是个大泡泡,Game 3.0是泡泡上的泡泡;Web 2.0还基于开放的平台,有多种技术竞争发展;Game 3.0和PS宅完全是久多后院里的另一项蹦床运动。


[ 本帖最后由 RestlessDream 于 2007-3-8 12:51 编辑 ]


原帖由 qazqaz 于 2007-3-8 14:32 发表
... dont care at all. web 2.0 or game 3.0 or whatever. I just need the basics--play online
with the others and download some FREE demos.
I dont wanna use my gaming console to surf internet or send mails or chat with aliens. my computer can handle such stuff more brilliantly.
Quite reasonable

