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战鹰评分 9.6



原帖由 killmesoftly 于 2007-8-19 18:48 发表


007: From Russia With Love  5.0 Gamecube
007: From Russia With Love  5.0 XBOX
007: From Russia With Love  5.0 Playstation 2
24: The Ga ...


24: The Game 9.2 Playstation 2

信手拈来啊:D 这网站估计和比较烂的同人网站一个水准吧


Graphics are second to none, the likeness of the TV show characters are excellent and of course helped greatly by the voice over talents of the same stars that appear in the show. The developers took a huge risk by using both vocal and facial likenesses of the characters from one of the most popular TV shows ever made, but it paid off big style. In fact, the graphics are so good and the likenesses so accurate that I wish I could print more than 2 screenshots for you to see, for the first and last time I urge you to read this review and check out the screenshots on other sites! The cut scenes in-between missions are also flawless and I don’t need to say anything much about the sound, if you are a fan of the show you will be familiar with the score, it’s exactly the same. It really is like watching and playing in a series of the show, the most original concept I’ve come across in a long time.

I am a huge fan of the TV show and was on absolute tenterhooks waiting for the release of this absolutely awesome game (I also got a really cool press kit in the form of a CTU ID card which once finished with can be used as a 128mb USB memory key, not available to the general public but I wanted to rub it in a bit!). It really has everything, good game play, great graphics, awesome sound, easy to handle controls and the cast of the best TV show ever made! Maybe that’s why my score is so high for 24: The Game, maybe it’s just because Sony have pulled this baby out of the bag with no flaws whatsoever, either way, GO AND BUY THIS GAME!!!

Gameplay 1.9

Audio  5.9

Graphics 5.9

Replayability 3.9

TOTAL  2.9



原帖由 sunykoss 于 2007-8-19 19:27 发表

Forza 2 9.3 Xbox 360
Halo 2 9.1 PC/Vista
Gears of War 10.0 Xbox 360
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 9.6 Xbox 360
恩,评分果然随意。。。:D ,或者,你玩过战鹰的多人模式?



