原帖由 @Nemo_theCaptain 于 2020-3-19 15:30 发表 PRO还是Jaguar架构,导致频率不能继续提升,但能够保障兼容PS4 PS5不是Jaguar架构,不能100%兼容 至于所谓“所有游戏都能兼容,100款是强化兼容”,反正我看到的通稿可不是这么写的,除非别的地方又有确认了 Lastly, we’re excited to confirm that the backwards compatibility features are working well. We recently took a look at the top 100 PS4 titles as ranked by play time, and we’re expecting almost all of them to be playable at launch on PS5. With more than 4000 games published on PS4, we will continue the testing process and expand backwards compatibility coverage over time.
原帖由 Nemo_theCaptain 于 2020-3-19 20:05 发表 你要说PS5发售的时候会不会只有100款兼容,我认为不会,可能是200款,300款,因为测试范围会越来越大 但如果说是4000款兼容,那索尼现在就该说了,需要测试这件事本身就是因为硬件无法100%保持一致 PRO是可以降频 ...
原帖由 Nemo_theCaptain 于 2020-3-19 23:17 发表 都是X86,补丁主要集中在修正兼容参数上 哪怕是微软那边连续三次X86-PPC-X86反复横跳,也不是所有补丁都需要第三方协助的,简单的是微软自己就能搞定的,麻烦的才需要源代码 当然我从来没指望过PS4向下兼容PS3 ...