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[业评] 話說沒人懷疑8百萬Kinect銷售數字的水分問題么?

http://www.neogaf.com/forum/show ... 0&postcount=762
I think a big reason why so many Sony fanboys are raging on Kinect is because it really is like kicking a handicapped child after he fell off his wheelchair. I mean, if you're a dedicated Sony warrior, life is tough. You have the best hardware, the best games (according to metacritic) yet Sony is in last place and bleeding money. Every littly Johnny boy out there wants a Xbox 360, not a PS3. And they're even stupid enough to pay for online gaming! Xbox is so hot right now even Oprah's audience has raging nipple hard ons for the thing. It must be so goddamn frustrating to try to come to grips with this.

So you have all this emotional investment in Sony but that's OK becuase the generation almost over and PS4 is around the corner and therefore a return to glory. Nope! Once again Microsoft comes in with another shitty piece of hardware and manages to make Move look as successful as a still birth. As if life couldn't get shittier for the Sony warrior!

I think I can now say that the Xbox/Sony fanboy dueling is now more entertaining than Genesis/SNES.


Microsoft has clarified to me that the 8 million KInect number is sell in, or how many were shipped to retailers. Not sell thru.

Forecast for Kinect was 5 mln units sold thru to customers. Microsoft says it `far surpassed' the 5 mln sell thru forecast but no exact #

Going forward, Microsoft says it will return to reporting sell in numbers for Kinect, which is what it has always done for consoles.

