SF4 seems to have some very interesting properties regarding its rendering res, the game's normally running at the 720p, but when there're close ups (like when you're using supers) its resolution dynamically changes to 630p (1120 x 630) I did quite a bit of analysis on the shots posted at ruliweb, all the close up shots whether it's from cut scene or from middle of battle, they're all 630p. The link to the shots is.. http://ruliweb.empas.com/data/rulinews/read.htm?num=16730 However this is the case with the PS3 version only, the 360 version maintains its 720p resolution all time. The 360 version incorporates 2 x AA as well (could be 4 x AA, the analysis is based on the movie files from ruliweb, so I'm not 100% certain) while the PS3 version has zero AA. BTW, as far as I know the SF4 arcade hardware is based on the 7900, and it's got no AA as well
原帖由 一刀倾城 于 2009-2-17 17:27 发表 中文版的为啥没有啊
原帖由 Guycc 于 2009-2-18 10:39 发表 豪鬼确实在6个隐藏人物出全之后,再随便使谁爆机一次就出了。1局制就需要一个perfect,这条件没错~ 那6个人物不用爆机~ 刚拳倒是必须拿豪鬼爆机一次才成,不然遇上多少次都不给……
原帖由 lenono 于 2009-2-19 10:22 发表 昨天试了,只要前6个隐藏人物出现(不用都爆机),再用一个已爆机的人物,0接关,1perfect,seth后豪鬼乱入,灭掉即可解。 解刚拳的方法有统一说法了吗?用不用先全人物爆一遍? Seth是只要豪鬼刚拳爆机还是 ...
Do this, Perfect 1st Round and 2nd, Ultra finish 3rd, 4th and 5th, and then just play the rest of the game without loosing it any rounds.
原帖由 lenono 于 2009-2-19 09:57 发表 快速输入