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Name: Natalie
Age: 18
Favorite Game(s): World of Warcraft. Unreal Tournament. Quake 3 and 4. Tiger Wood '07. NHL '07. Gears of War. Mario Kart. Perfect Dark. Counter Strike. DOOM 3. Starcraft. Tony Hawk. GTA. Zelda. Fable. Diablo.
Console of Choice: PC
Gaming Hours per Week: 10+

Master Chief, Mario, and Mega Man. You have to marry one, kill one, and go on a date with one.
Kill Mario. I love him but I couldn't stand his little accent and red outfit. I'm a fan of Luigi. I would definitely marry Mega Man. He is so hot even for a cartoon, plus we would look good together! That leaves Master Chief for the date. I could last one night with him.

If you had to say what female video game character you have the most in common with, who would you say?
Princess Peach. Everyone thinks I'm a gorgeous blond bimbo but when it comes down to it I kick butt and surprise the people who judge a book by its cover.

"I kick butt and surprise people
who judge a book by its cover."

What is one thing about guy gamers that ticks you off or grosses you out? What about girls?
A lot of male gamers refuse to believe that I am actually a girl. I get quizzed when I'm online because men hear a woman's voice, and think that she is just on there, not actually playing the game. It's so annoying that I can't just play in peace. What grosses me out is that they automatically say they 'want to marry me' even though they have no idea who I am. Don't get me wrong though, nerds are the hottest!

As for girls: the only thing that bothers me is if a girl has OGS or Only Girl Syndrome. They are used to being the only one so instead of rejoicing the fact that they now have a partner of the same sex to play with, they get angry because they are no longer the center of male attention.

Do you have any gaming rituals that get you prepared for a long gaming session?
First off every LAN or long gaming session must have sunflower seeds. I could not survive a LAN without them. Also numerous bottles of water are a must and I have to be in shorts, not pants. I have to have only socks on. I know--that's really weird. It's always best to smoke a fatty as well.

[ 本帖最后由 Jonsoncao 于 2007-4-27 00:04 编辑 ]



Name:  Britini
Age: 19
Favorite Game(s): Halo CE, Call of Duty 2 & 3, Gears of War, Halo 2, some Crackdown and the Shadow Run Beta are among my favorites right now. I also play a few of the 360 arcade games like UNO, Assault Heroes, and Geometry Wars.
Console of Choice: Xbox 360
Gaming Hours per Week: : Oh geez... I maybe average about 5 hours a night. Sometimes A LOT more though.

What's your most embarrassing gaming moment?
A while back I was really sick with a cold, so I was on some heavy doses of NyQuil and was playing Halo with some friends on Xbox Live. Apparently I passed out in the middle of a game and was snoring pretty loud into my mic. I only snore when I'm sick--I promise! Well my friends thought it'd be funny to just keep on playing and we were joining matches with rooms of 16 people. All these random people were like 'what's with this dude snoring!?' My friends were all, 'It's a GIRL!!!' Needless to say I got a few messages with people cracking up about it.

"I maybe average about 5 hours
[of gaming] a night."

What are some of your other hobbies other than gaming?
Other than gaming?! What??? Does not compute. (Laughs) Well... I'm really into art and photography. If I get enough motivation in me I can create some pretty cool drawings and stuff. I really want to get into computer graphics and design. I just don't have the tools right now. I'm usually on the computer searching up stupid/funny videos and finding ways to entertain people or make them laugh. I also like traveling a lot, but that's mostly just to go to gaming events. So there isn't much else besides that.

Do you play with other female gamers? Have you learned any differences between when a bunch of females are gaming together compared to a bunch of dudes?
I was always against formed teams and stuff with girls and all girl clans simply because I didn't want to get involved with the drama and large amounts estrogen, but I gave in a while back and decided to try to get a few all girl teams together for Halo 2 events. That didn't really work out, mainly because of the before mentioned problems and the fact that most girls just don't understand teamwork that well. I find that I play a lot better with a mix of guys and girls tho. Don't get me wrong... I'm cool with almost all girl gamers and the majority of them are a lot cooler than any non-gamers I've ever met. They're just not usually good to team with. There are some really really good girls though that I would actually love to play with more often and possibly team up with.

Do you have any gaming rituals to get you prepared for an intense gaming session? Any lucky charms?
Well... not anything irregular. Just have to have my glasses and usually something to drink. When playing Halo though I HAVE to have my original Xbox S controller that I sort of took apart and traded out the thumbsticks and disconnected some of the vibe. Yeah... kinda dorky, but I can't play good without it. At events, I usually am seen wearing my pajama pants and SpongeBob slippers while I play.

