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[新闻] 英国上周周销量

GTA4英国で初日販売記録 60万9千本
33万5千本 XBOX360
27万4千本 PS3

GTA IV smashes day one sales record
http://www.mcvuk.com/news/30423/ ... ne-day-sales-record
The figures ? based on EPoS sales data and estimated retail transactions ? show that total online and High Street sales for the game hit 609,000 in one day.

335,000 copies were sold on Microsoft’s machine ? 55 per cent of sales and a new record for the console,
beating Halo 3’s first-day sales of 266,000 units on Wednesday, September 26th, 2007.

GTA IV sold 274,000 copies on PS3 yesterday ? 45 per cent of all sales and another format record breaking performance

