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Xbox Live 影片下载热度超越亚马逊,使 DVD 市场受到了冷落!


360 movie downloads outperforming Amazon rival - report
Matt Martin 15:28 03/01/2007
HD movies via console more popular than e-tailer's Unbox service

The Xbox 360 is driving the concept of digital movie downloads far better than consumer competitor Amazon, as audience's favour ease of use over the amount of content on offer from the world's biggest online retailer.

Microsoft's high definition download service has been more successful than Amazon.com's Unbox effort, with US consumers preferring to watch content directly accessed from the console's hard drive rather than struggle with burning content to discs, according to a report on Variety.com

It's even suggested that box office flops are performing well as downloads over Xbox Live, appealing to consumers eager to access high definition content.

According to the report, studios such as Warner are seeing consumers download high definition versions of films over standard formats where both are on offer, with the average US $1 more for HD content no barrier to purchase.

"If you look at our sales charts, movies like The Perfect Storm, Unforgiven and Swordfish are all doing disproportionately better than you would expect, and the only explanation is that they're available in HD," said Ross Honey, senior director for media at Microsoft's content and partner strategy group.


原帖由 silverhoof 于 2007-1-5 17:04 发表
DVD是480P,XBOX Live的是720P-1080P不等的内容,是WMV有严格的版权控制。
国内来说盗版横行,SILU的HDTV下 ...

