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Audi 车队两位专业赛车手试玩了PS3拟真赛车游戏Gran Turismo 5

-      GT5對於車體以及賽道特別考究
- 將會加入多人連線機制
- 遊戲中將會呈現更完美的雨景,夜景
- GT5車體模型為了逼近真實車體 從裡到外都仿造真車 下足了功夫 力求絲毫不差 精確表達
- 知名賽道Nürburgring完美重線 連路旁的行道樹都有很高的相似度
- 擬真就是GT5的精神,特別重視車子的本質與潛在性能
- 將會有天候變化對遊戲產生影響
- 將會加入模擬車體損毀系統
- GT系列將隨著汽車工業進步而進步

Audi: The graphics of GT5 Prologue “is incredible realistic. What can you still in this game improve?

Kazunori Yamauchi: GT5 is a greater choice on motor vehicles and Routes offer. And we provide more features for Online communities to Disposal. We are also working with high live close to a graphic representation for rain and night.

Audi: How do you manage it, the cars as realistic in the game is over?

Kazunori Yamauchi: In order to replicate cars so graphically that they are each model the same position they need we are the real models. At the Audi R8, it was particularly difficult for high-quality materials of the interior to reproduce. Even with the body, it was not easy, level, This incredible precision to express. Not only the cars, as every tree looks at the Nürburgring his real counterpart frighteningly similar. Such influence Details the game behavior? We have the greatest respect for the innate Power of the cars and also the nature. Therefore we consider every detail very carefully — even if it’s just a bush on the edge of the racetrack is. Our passion and our commitment are perhaps not always immediately, but they seem subconsciously to every player.

Audi: What games can the fans of GT soon expect?

Kazunori Yamauchi: We are working on it, including weather changes, a race which may affect index. And damage to racing cars we will soon be able to simulate.

Audi: We dare a glance into the distant future. What is Gran Turismo 9 anything to offer?

Kazunori Yamauchi: I find it difficult to follow closely the developments so far predict. Gran Turismo is growing with the Automotive industry. When we consider the future of GT, we also consider the future of the Automotive industry.


