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How Spyborgs could utilize Wii MotionPlus
May 3rd, 2009 Posted in News, Wii, Written by Valay | 2 Comments »

At CAPTIVATE 09, developers working on Spyborgs shared that the team was considering implementing Wii MotionPlus.
But what would be changed with the addition of the peripheral support? Daryl Allison, Senior Producer over at Capcom, explains below:

“We are taking a look at Wii MotionPlus right now. We have some ideas of what we’d like to do with it.
At the very least, we know how we could enhance the core combat system that is well-designed around the regular Wii motion right now and we’re looking at some things that we could unlock that would be specifically designed around Wii MotionPlus.”





8.0         Presentation
Slick menus, strong use of Nintendo's remote, short story sequences, a host of unlockables and achievements, plus character upgrades. Style waffles between gritty and cartoony.
8.5         Graphics
Saturday morning cartoon style complemented by great tech. Some of the best particle and lighting effects in a Wii game. Huge bosses. Framerate is usually smooth, but occasionally suffers.
8.0         Sound
Punchy, satisfying sound effects. The selection of metal-esque guitar riffs sounds good, too, but becomes repetitive.
7.0         Gameplay
A fun beat-'em-up. The controls work well, the action is frantic and the upgrade system is welcomed, but there's nothing innovative about the experience save for the coop gameplay.
7.5         Lasting Appeal
Upward of 35 levels to explore and the difficulty is sometimes relentless, frustratingly so. Upgrade your characters by performing huge combos and earning money, a good incentive to keep playing.
Good         OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)

