原帖由 Jonsoncao 于 2006-12-7 07:36 发表 We're going to give the PS3 the benefit of the doubt in this initial round since developers might need more time to figure out how to maximize performance from the Cell and the RSX. If you look at the Xbox 360's first Madden game, Madden 06, you'll notice that it doesn't offer very realistic stadium shadows, either. The trouble with buying a console at launch is that you often have to wait for the second or third generation of games for the system to fulfill its potential. The PS3 didn't beat the 360 in this first comparison, but the games do look fine for first-generation titles. The real graphics battle will likely come next year.
原帖由 tdkgtm 于 2006-12-7 14:31 发表 没办法咯,现实说话,既然比的是画面,就比画面,gs编辑就是实诚人啊 我也愿意相信sony实力超群,cell潜力无限,手中现金大把,银行求着贷款,电池个个都发电,但这都和本贴无关啊
原帖由 muranus 于 2006-12-7 14:56 发表 我说的是微软比索尼高。而且现在cf3b5也没有认可这个观点,为了防止cf3b5换马甲,现在禁止乱入,谢谢合作~
原帖由 footbool 于 2006-12-7 15:13 发表 PS3还能和360比画面?哪个白痴在比的.档次的擦句这么大还用的着比?