I did some other interview where someone asked mabout The Last of Us, and would there be any more stories or something. I mentioned we have written a story that takes place after Last of Us II that stars Tommy. I hope one day we get to make it. The headlines across the industry were like, 'Naughty Dog Has Outlined The Last of Us Part III.' And that's actually wrong. It was always a small story, it was never a full title. At the time, we had higher priorities at Naughty Dog, to fix our pipeline, to fix work-life balance issues. Just based on where we were, I didn't wanna prioritize this story, so that story was shelved. I still believe one day it will see the light of day. I don't know if it'll be a game or a show… TBD. The first game had such a clean concept of the unconditional love a parent feels for their child. The second one, once we landed on this idea of the pursuit of justice at any cost, justice for the ones you love, it felt like there's a clean concept here and there's a through-line from the first game about love. If we never get to do it again, this is a fine ending point. The last bite of the apple, the story's done. The great thing about working at Naughty Dog is that we don't have to. It's always like, we would love another Last of Us, but if you guys are passionate about something else, we'll support this other thing. Very privileged position to be in. I never take that for granted. I've been thinking about, "Is there a concept there?" And for now years, I haven't been able to find that concept. But recently that's changed. I don't have a story, but I do have that concept, that, to me, is as exciting as I, as exciting as II, is its own thing, yet has this through-line for all 3. So it does feel like there's probably one more chapter to this story.
原帖由 @ikaruga 于 2024-2-3 16:48 发表 负面的东西一律不提,比如美末2两极分化的玩家评价,多人项目进展不顺,避重就轻商业成绩等等,这片子可以看成是顽皮狗的大型广告,貌似是索尼出资拍摄的,缺乏纪录片应该具备的中立诚实
原帖由 @ikaruga 于 2024-2-3 20:45 发表 这片子里收到的反馈拍得还不够多?那个女编剧爆了n个fuck狂喷性别主义者,这不就是在讨论游戏反馈吗。包括加班也是,在结尾给出了不加班的方案,看我们多重视员工身心健康blabla,实际上仍然是一种先抑后扬的宣传。23年补拍的部分,没有讨论玩家争议,没有谈论不顺利的多人项目,却提及了联系相对更远的美末剧集,所以我才说这是顽皮狗想给大家看到的纪录片,而不是一部真正的纪录片 本帖最后由 ikaruga 于 202423 20:48 通过手机版编辑
原帖由 @ikaruga 于 2024-2-4 00:44 发表 喷了,你打这一大段不就是在证明我的观点吗,这就是个索尼出资的宣传“纪录片”,不会探讨任何公司不希望讨论的内容。实际上美末2的两极分化评价是这个游戏乃至游戏界最热的事件之一,也是我最希望在grounded2里看到的内容,这个高价值的话题他们在制作时不可能忽略掉,而是选择不提,如果你平时有看正经的纪录片,就知道真正的纪录片绝对不是这个样子的
原帖由 ikaruga 于 2024-2-4 09:51 发表 posted by wap, platform: Android 他要大方说这是官方宣传的片子我肯定不多说一句废话,但事实却不这样 首先area5是第三方工作室,专门拍游戏相关的纪录片 其次这并不是制作花絮,是正经纪录片的形式和风格 然 ...