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VG Tech孤岛惊魂6数毛

posted by wap, platform: Android
- Series X and PS5 both target 4K. In a general gameplay view PS5 is 1728p to 1872p, whereas Series X in the same scenes seems to be 1872p to 2016p.

- Series S is 1080p to 1224p.

- PS5 level of detail for vegetation is slightly higher than Series X.

- PS5 loads slightly faster.

- On both PS5 and Series X the game suffers from a weird camera stutter not found on PC.

- All console versions manage to hit 60 fps really well during heavy combat. Alex find annoying the traversal stutter and tearing present on all version including PC. In the exact same test PS5 seems to fare worse. The issue is present even on Alex's core i9 10900K + RTX 3090, even when set to 1080p. It seems to be something engine related present since Far Cry 4.

