原帖由 @wlx9897 于 2019-10-21 09:31 发表 喷了,小岛游戏gameplay不行说出来有人信?拿个毛子PC玩家的测评当回事?这人客观性存疑。 本帖最后由 wlx9897 于 20191021 09:32 通过手机版编辑
原帖由 @Nemo_theCaptain 于 2019-10-21 09:35 发表 通关那人的说法是10分制他只给5分 233 当然我的观点没这么复杂,MC没上85就算失败
原帖由 @Nemo_theCaptain 于 2019-10-21 10:11 发表 你可以说MC上90分依然有人喷,这没什么 包括有一两家媒体可能会给50分,我也信 但如果MC平均分只有50……那我会比90分还欢乐的 几个小时前有人给我发era这贴,我看到5/10第一反应就是笑的合不拢嘴 没有反讽的意思,就是真心觉得欢乐,因为我就不怎么关心这个游戏,这是事实,本区MGS5的帖子我发的是最多的,但死亡搁浅我连前三都算不上 原因我也说过了,我是军史爱好者,但不是山寨克苏鲁爱好者
原帖由 @Nemo_theCaptain 于 2019-10-21 10:40 发表 拿了超高的MC也没用,一样群魔乱舞 Jounery的MC分数够高了吧,打消质疑了么,并没有,这个大概就是之前跟死亡搁浅最接近的游戏了 或者说的再极端点,塞尔达荒吹都是有人质疑的,因为内容上不那么传统 反而是马里奥奥德赛极其传统,质疑的声音就少了,但赞扬的也少了,因为创新不足 当然我相信如果任天堂这两巨头不是自相残杀的话,奥德赛单独拉出来在某一年也是能大满贯的 我本人就是更喜欢传统的,所以我对荒吹都不是很追捧,但极其追捧奥德赛,就是这个原因 同理,我也不会对死亡搁浅很狂热,甚至有一部分访谈我都没看,但2077我看了几乎每一篇访谈 小岛在剧情上一向装神弄鬼,但之前MGS系列的宣传gameplay要占起码一半的比重,MGS5甚至是一大半 死亡搁浅这种临发售才放出一点gameplay消息的作品,对于小岛是第一次 这个问题我之前也说过了,我所认识的MGS老玩家对于死亡搁浅都不是很热衷,包括我自己 对炒作非常痴迷的反而不是过去的群体,这一点也是让我感到很好玩的 这类人对于MGS只玩了个5,然后就跟着FUCK KONAMI了
Saw? We done. The rough start paid off, and yes I do voich for him. His wordingness was awful and came back negative when we all read it. I assure you its great and he missed a ton of details (like higgs fight just being punches) For now, ill leave it like this: Kojima has played the long con with me, fooling me into thinking the game was what it was earlier. My opinion, although i still think the walking at the start was overly done, has 180 as it made the journey worthwhile for me. Tons of fan service running in the later chapters that youll all love. (on the number of chapters: ) 15 Yeah I loved it, i really dont want to spoil it cause that ruined a lot and skewed my opinion the fiest time around. And i guess it made more sense to me towards the end, more angry by the progress made earlier, but at the same time in a good way. I have some users here who can vouch for me though of course my phone died. that Jox outline is really bad to look at just from glance. IDK if he really disliked the game like I did at the start, but It pulls through honestly. The Twists aren't so much surprising as the game drops subtle hints along the way, fan service? Expect some Silent Hillish looking setting and some MGS call backs leading through ch 7 to the end. just call backs/easter eggs that fans will notice. The overall Pacing changes. Traveling what took 40 minute to go X amount of M can be done is half the time with the story progressed upgrades they give you. Also the story starts hitting you scene after scene after scene, with more TPS mechanics Alright guys, shit, this game is good. (I'll rate it) 9, i don't think its perfect things get left out (perhaps explained in side stuff) (About the chiral network and it's role in Death Stranding: ) essentially Evangelion
A few people who are in the know told me it's 9s mostly and I've heard from others there's a lot of 10s, specifically from certain major outlets that they absolutely love it. These same people told me the same about Pokemon and its' reception. Of course, just like GoW there's going to be a handful of 8s and the usual 7s and under from the 1-3 people, troll reviews or not. But I don't know how it will do with fans. All I know is critics seem to be losing it over the game. So just don't be surprised if Death Stranding and Pokemon are two of the highest rated games this year.