原帖由 xpressure 于 2016-10-6 21:33 发表 一个有大的用户群的大作,你指望后续有什么大变化那是不现实的,利益上就不允许制作组去得罪老用户群,所以,除了像古墓丽影这样本来就濒死的ip可以去做重大革新,大作都是安安稳稳小改小闹加上点新的小噱头就可以出 ...
原帖由 west2046 于 2016-10-7 10:48 发表 玩了半小时,4的节奏比以前好多了,很紧凑,废话不多,都是打打打
What's more, the actual gameplay suffers from pacing and redundancy problems throughout the campaign. The first two hours are the most abrasive, throwing multitudes of simple enemies at JD and his gang as they chew through the waves with conventional weapons in boring situations. It takes several chapters until firefights evolve past simple point-and-shoot scenarios. But even then, the campaign seems intent on repeating situations time and time again: turret defense sequences, frantic fights against weaker, nimble enemies, and the simple act of clearing an area before a loud gong beckons you to the next skirmish.