- Death Stranding will feature a new form of co-op play but will of course be fully playable in single player. 游戏会有一种新形式COOP体验,但也完全可以单人游玩 - Death Stranding's casting is still under way... Will there be a heroine? Who should play her? 选角仍在进行中 - Yes, Death Stranding has a set release date. Duh, how else would we be able to set a budget? 已有大致的发售日预期,毕竟以此来确定成本预算 - Before the Tokyo Olympic Games. 再东京奥运前发售 - Before the new Akira. 在新阿基拉电影(2019)前发售 - They are using other dev's engine that's not available to anyone else. They will be developing and sharing new tech with the dev. 他们在使用别的开发者现成的引擎,引擎同时也还没有任何其他人用过,他们会继续在其中开发新技术并和引擎开发者们分享 - There will be come sorta robots in the game. 游戏里可以说有机甲成分 - Also they are aiming to release the game around 2018. 他们目标是在2018左右发售游戏 - Kojima and Shinkawa have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with MG Survive. 小岛和新川与MG Survive没有任何关系