-Guerrilla wanted to make a game that's "Beautiful in a majestic way" instead of the grit of Killzone. They wanted to create a world you wanted to be in, instead of escape from. 与杀戮地带充满沙尘感的视觉不同,这回游击队想要创造一个有着宏大美丽视觉效果的游戏,这个世界能吸引你去深入探索遨游而不是急切的从中逃出生天 -Work on Horizon began in 2010 开发始于2010年 - Horizon has its own engine. Not the same as Shadowfall 地平线有自己的引擎,和KZSF不同 (不信,视觉上来说明显是KZSF引擎改过来的) - GI saw settings in desert, arctic, and temperate environments. Saw machines that will hide in the water. GI看到了沙漠雪原和温带森林的环境设定。有会潜伏在水中的机械生物。 - Guerrilla promises why the world got this way will be answered. Also say "this is a sci-fi game and that they won't depend on fantasy at any point. 游击队保证世界为何会变成这副模样会在游戏中会得到解答,同时也表示这是一个科幻游戏,不会有奇幻元素。 - The various tribes are radically different including how they feel about the machines. Some of them believe the machines becoming more violent is punishment from the gods. 不同部落的人对机械生物的看法不同,其中一些部落相信机械生物变得更加暴虐是众神给他们的惩罚。 - You aren't recruiting different tribes to your cause but they will sell you different gear and have their own side quests and storylines 你不会召集不同的部落和你站在一边,但他们会卖给你不同的装备并且有他们自己的主支任务线。 - Aloy is most concerned with finding her origin, and most importantly who her mother was Aloy最关心的是探明她的身世,最主要是找出她母亲是谁 - She has been raised in the Nora Tribe, but the tribe completely ignores her existence. For reasons she doesn't know they seem to shun her. 她在Nora部落长大,部落完全无视她的存在。而她并不知道部落为什么要回避提及她。 - The Nora are ruled by women, Matriarchs Nora是一个由女族长统治的部落。 - Aloy was raised by another outcast named Rost, who didn't do it of his own will. The Tribe forced him Aloy是被另一个叫做Rost外来者抚养长大的,这并不是Rost自愿的,而是部落强迫他做的。 - Rost is stern and overprotective but only wants the best for Aloy / Father figure Rost是一个对Aloy及严厉又溺爱想给她最好的生活的父亲角色 - There are playable flashbacks of Aloy's childhood 有可玩的Aloy童年闪回部分 - There are Hunter Trials which are essentially Big Game Hunts / Hunter's Guild 有猎杀巨兽的狩猎比赛 - A flying enemy called a d Glinthawk can throw ice bombs 一个叫做Glinthawk的会扔冰冻炸弹的飞行敌人 - There are "Corruption Zones" which are areas of the map filled with dangerous enemies. Some of the biggest fights in the game can be found in these zones 地图中有一些被称为“腐败区域”的地方充满了危险的敌人。一些游戏中最大型的战斗都发生在这些区域 - There are lots of sidequests but don't expect them to be as expansive as The Witcher 有很多支线任务但不要指望有巫师那样的复杂的选择剧情,但也不是廉价的狩猎任务 - GI was surprised at the depth of the game, how intelligent the AI is, and how fluid the controls are GI对于游戏的深度很惊讶,AI非常聪明,操作也非常流畅 - You can craft different outfits to change Aloy's appearance 你可以制作不同的套装来改变Aloy的外观 - A screenshot shows Aloy wearing a metal chest piece, quite a bit different than her normal "animal skins" look 一张截图显示Aloy身穿一个金属材质的胸甲,和之前看到的毛皮风格的服饰截然不同 - Aloy has 3 different skill trees that you can put level up points into. They are Prowler (Stealth), Brave (Damage focus), and Forager (Resource Gathering) Aloy有三个不同的技能树,它们是小偷(潜行)勇气(伤害输出)和掠夺者(资源收集) - Aloy can find modifications when she defeats enemies that can be slotted into her weapons and armor. These affect things such as stats and give buffs Aloy在击败敌人是有时会找到增强零件,可以安装到武器和衣服上调整能力值获得BUFF
原帖由 Nemo_theCaptain 于 2016-9-7 15:34 发表 然而这期GI荷兰人又强调KZ不能扔……