Rating Summary: This is a survival-horror game in which players assume the role of Ethan, a man searching for his missing wife in a derelict mansion. From a first-person perspective, players explore the environment and use pistols, shotguns, flamethrowers, explosives and chainsaws to kill mutant creatures. Combat is accompanied by realistic gunfire, screams of pain, and exaggerated blood-splatter effects. As players progress through the story, cutscenes can depict instances of gore and intense acts of violence: a character's arm dismembered by a chainsaw; a man's leg taken off at the knee with a shovel; a character impaled through the face with a shovel. Some areas also depict mutilated corpses with exposed organs/viscera. The words “f**k” and “sh*t” are heard in the dialogue. 这是一款求生恐怖游戏,玩家扮演名为Ethan的角色,他前去一栋凶宅寻找失踪的妻子。玩家将以第一人称视角来探索环境,并使用手枪、霰弹枪、喷火器、爆炸物以及链锯来击杀变异的生物。战斗中会出现真实的枪击、痛苦的叫喊以及血液四溅的内容。随着玩家对剧情的深入,还会出现一些直接表现血腥暴力的过场,一个人的胳膊被链锯锯下,一个人的腿被铁锨打断,一个人被铁锨贯穿面部。一些地方还会出现暴露器官的尸体残骸。游戏中对话里有出现f**k和Sh*t这样的词汇。”