原帖由 @愤怒的双翼 于 2018-8-11 05:38 发表 Launches August 20 8月20日免费发布 Players who finished the game will be able to access this new mode and get the option to skip cinematic scenes which is going to speed up the process of completing the game. 完成游戏后(任何难度均可)可以开启NEW+模式,得到跳过播片选项,加速游戏进程 Test your skills against higher level enemies; some of which might even have a few new tricks up their sleeves 更多高等级敌人可供挑战 一些敌人甚至还另藏有玄机 Introducing “Skap Slag” Another cool feature that is being introduced in the new mode is called Skap Slag and it’s a resource that players need to gather while completing the game’s story. The reason why players should do their best to collect all the Skap Slag they can is because it will allow them to create new armors and powerful enhancements that make fights with bosses way easier. 新游戏+模式独特的地方在于将有一个全新的“稀有等级装备”,可供玩家打造和升级。玩家可通过收集一个叫做Skap Slag(炉渣)的新资源,透过顶尖铁匠升级最顶级装备,加入了新的自定义选项,提供了极其强大的护甲和附魔,以全新的方式体验游戏,使BOSS战变得更加容易