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Dean Takahashi的书当年对NV自己的技术没说明白,但是大方向已经很明确了


https://bbs.tgfcer.com/viewthrea ... &authorid=18955




[ 本帖最后由 Nemo_theCaptain 于 2022-7-12 20:51 编辑 ]



“The first time, we had a short period of time and it didn’t afford us the
opportunity to make these relationships,” Holmdahl said. “The whole intellectual
property business, sharing IP, was just in its infancy. The lesson we learned is you
want to control your destiny.” 

Holmdahl knew that the rush to get to market had forced Microsoft to
sign some contracts that it eventually came to regret. The company tried to
lean on suppliers to cut costs as much as possible, but Nvidia’s CEO, Jen-Hsun
Huang, had fought back. The battle spilled into public. Both companies sought
a resolution in an arbitration process, which was the only thing that prevented
them from going to court.

Huang wanted to redo the contract because the yields on his chips weren’t
as high as expected. Nvidia had to scale back the speed of its graphics chips to
get better yields, but the problem persisted. Huang threatened to stop shipping
chips. Microsoft objected, and the arbitrator sided with Microsoft.

The lesson inside Microsoft was clear. Holmdahl wanted more control over
the design and manufacturing of its chips. That would give him more leverage
over suppliers. This was the key for Microsoft to control the costs of the box.
From Microsoft’s point of view, Nvidia and Intel had kept too much of the control
in terms of cost-reducing their chips and determining the price changes on their
own schedule. Because they didn’t cut the costs quickly, Microsoft could not
cut the prices on the original Xbox. Yet, for the sake of compatibility, it seemed
Microsoft was stuck with those vendors. It was almost a given that old Xbox
games had to play on Xenon.

Some partners weren’t ready to go along with Microsoft’s ideas. Neither
Nvidia nor Intel liked the idea of giving ownership of the chip intellectual
property to Microsoft. They wanted to build chips. This time, the partners had to
be willing to let Microsoft run the system design. Microsoft also wanted to take
the chips and have them fabricated in a factory of its choosing. The resistance
from Nvidia and Intel wasn’t total. But it hurt their ability to stay in the running
for the contracts.

On top of the power problem, neither Intel nor Nvidia were inclined to
share their intellectual property with Microsoft. This time, Holmdahl continued
to insist that Microsoft had to own the rights to the design. It was critical to
bringing down the costs of the hardware and making money on the whole Xbox
endeavor. He wanted to be able to take the design and cost-reduce the chips on
his own schedule. That meant redesigning the chip, shrinking it so that it used
less material and was easier to fabricate. He wanted to have the right to have the
chip made in any factory so that he could play manufacturers off against each
other on pricing. And he eventually wanted to be able to combine the CPU and
the graphics chip into a single chip in order to drive costs out of the box. Those
elements were essential to making money on Xenon.

“That’s not our traditional way of doing business,” said Don MacDonald, an
Intel executive.

Intel typically owned its own designs, redesigned its chips on its own
schedule, and made them in its own captive factories. Nvidia did the same, with
the exception of making its chips at either IBM’s factories or those belonging to
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Neither Intel and Nvidia would ever
trust each other enough to share their chip designs with each so they could be
merged into a single chip. Negotiations with those vendors hit a brick wall.

To Nick Baker and Jeff Andrews, that was OK. They saw that ATI was starting
to take the lead in PC graphics chips. ATI was a $2 billion company with 3,000
employees. Its Radeon 9700 chip that came out in August, 2002, was retaking the
high-end of the graphics chip market for the first time ever for ATI.

Bob Feldstein, vice president of engineering at ATI, gathered a dozen ATI
veterans, including Clay Taylor and Steve Narayan, to contemplate graphics for a
game box. They knew that Microsoft wanted to highlight high-definition gaming
and launch in the fall of 2005 at the price of a traditional video game console,
about $300. They also knew that Microsoft wanted to own the design that ATI
would create and fabricate it in a factory of its choosing. While that was a tough
hurdle for Nvidia, ATI’s Santa Clara team had done such a deal with Nintendo
already. It received a fee for the engineering work and a royalty on each console
sold. It wasn’t as much money as if ATI had made the chip for Nintendo, but it
was money that floated to the bottom line.

Nvidia almost stole the graphics chip deal away from ATI Technologies
in July, 2003. Jen-Hsun Huang, the CEO of Nvidia, was a shrewd
negotiator. He stayed in the running for the graphics chip contract, in
spite of the ill will over the first Xbox. One of the things Huang could
offer was a discount on the current Xbox chips. He also noted how
easy it would be to make the system backward compatible with the old
system, and how Microsoft would likely have to pay a royalty to Nvidia
if it intended on making old Xbox games run on the new Xbox, even if
Nvidia’s chip wasn’t in the new one. Was Nvidia just a stalking horse?

[ 本帖最后由 Nemo_theCaptain 于 2022-7-12 18:42 编辑 ]

