原帖由 Davidsesd 于 2021-6-9 22:59 发表 posted by wap, platform: iPad JOLED的oled面板现在知道LG那种缩水货的差距了吧?
原帖由 @forwardland 于 2021-6-10 11:06 发表 你根本不知道crt的优势在哪里,当然就不明白我为何要追求crt的效果,所以再说也是牛头不对马嘴。
原帖由 @grammyliu 于 2021-6-10 13:44 发表 There are a few reasons why this works so well on the LG CX. First, the TV has a really high brightness level that can get close to what cathoderaytube technology could do. But also the OLED panel doesn’t have any dimming zones. Instead, each pixel emits its own light. So the dark lines between the scanlines can get dark enough to look authentic. https://venturebeat.com/2021/02/11/lgscxisasurprisinglygreattvforplayingretrogames/