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posted by edfc, platform: iPhone 12
“If you’re a big fan of stuff we make in a game that we’re making [and it] is no longer available on your platform, I totally understand if you are unhappy or pissed or whatever. I get it, those are all real feelings and frustrations,” Hines told GameSpot in a video interview.

He later added: “I don’t know how to allay the fears and concerns of PlayStation 5 fans other than to say, well, I’m a PlayStation 5 player as well, and I’ve played games on that console, and there’s games I’m going to continue to play on it, but if you want to play Starfield, [it’s on] PC and Xbox.

“Sorry. All I can really say is I apologise, because I’m certain that that’s frustrating to folks, but there’s not a whole lot I can do about it.”

