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- Function scePowerGetClockFrequency/scePowerGetClockFrequencyInt was not resolved properly due to a
  confussion between the two nids applying to the same function. Fixed, this update is necessary
  for plugins and kernel homebrew reporting psp cpu speed.

- PSX EBOOT.PBP that have a icon of 80x80 pixels will not be replaced by Dracula icon in savedata.

Explanation of icon issue:
In 3.80 pops, Sony has introduced a bug that causes a crash when the icon of the pbp is not 80x80,
like those of psstore. To resolve the issue, M33 was replacing the icon in ram by the one with Dracuala image,
what caused the side effect of ps1 save games having Dracula icon.

Now the behaviour in 3.80 M33-2 is to replace the icon in ram only if the one in the file is not 80x80.

