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posted by wap, platform: Lenovo

Usually when you go to use, buy or borrow an engine, someone will say, “Lend us your name,” or of course ask for payment. We had no contract with Guerrilla Games, but when we met them they suddenly gave us a box, a very pretty box. When we opened the box, there was a USB dongle inside that had the source code for the engine.

Keep in mind we had no contract or anything at this stage, yet still they handed over what was basically the crystallisation of their efforts over many years. They simply said, “Mr. Kojima please use this engine,” and we thought these people are incredible.

There was one condition though, that Kojima Productions doesn’t just use the engine, but that we develop the engine together with Guerrilla Games, that it should be a collaborative effort. So we were really blown away by their stance on this and being so open with the engine and we thought “Wow, these are the people we have to work with.”

We were looking for a realistic presentation (for TGA), so we had to make changes to the tools and other adjustments to the engine. Over the course of 6 months we passed the code back and forth between Guerrilla Games and Kojima Productions, working off the same code base. At this point our code had completely merged together.

It was different from the engine they originally gave us, so we decided we should give this new engine a name. That’s when we came up with the ‘Decima’ name (derived from Dejima – an artificial island in Japan where The Netherlands and Japan would trade during the Edo period). I really feel that with both of us working on this engine we are accomplishing the work at twice the speed and building something really fantastic.

大意是说达芬奇带着小岛拜访各大工作室和选引擎时。去游击队的时候,在没谈任何合同,价格或者授权的情况下,游击队直接送给小岛一个优盘,优盘里是他们多年开发的游戏引擎源代码(就是地平线的引擎),并告诉小岛:小岛先生,请你直接拿去用吧。 这件事把小岛惊了,这家这么开放!就他了!


本帖最后由 madrista7 于 2017-2-24 10:06 通过手机版编辑


不过我看目前这势态死亡搁浅真的会有艾玛斯通或者瑞恩高斯林,小岛的推特三天两头就晒la la land的各种东西,感觉石头姐面大一些,毕竟以前参与过睡狗配音

