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贴个gamespot 论坛kuso原文,

Harrison: Now that the Six Axis
has rumble we have now done what the world once thought was impossible.
We have found a way to integrate rumble into a motion sensing
controller without the rumble interfering with the motion sensing.
Other companies should maybe take note at Sony's innovations.

BlackBond: But Nintendo has already done that. They accomplished motion sensing and rumble well before you guys.

Harrison: Everyone knows the long history
of the Dual Shock controller and we are just adding on to that long
history by adding this revolutionary combination of motion sensing
combined with rumble.

BlackBond: "..."

BlackBond: But what about your claims of rumble being last gen and not needed?

Harrison: I never said that?

BlackBond: Yeah you did look right here?

Oh that, see what I really meant was that rumble without motion sensing
is last gen. That's why the 360 controller is last gen as opposed to
our new gen controller. Implimenting rumble without motion sensing is
last gen. We have implemented rumble and motion sensing to create a
next gen controller.

BlackBond: So what about all
the people who already own a PS3, got extra controllers, or decide to
get a combination of one or the other before the new Six Axis Rumble

Harrison: They didn't complain when we brought
out the Dual Shock on PS1 to replace the Standard controller. Really we
have a very dedicated fanbase that completely agrees with all of our
business decisions with their full support. No matter what we do they
can know that they can rest assured that our best interest are their
best interests too.

