原帖由 @摩根 于 2019-8-9 22:41 发表 歌姬和瑛姑那关有专武?错过了
原帖由 @Hector 于 2019-8-10 10:35 发表 posted by edfc, platform: iPhone Xs 并不是,我进本的时候歌姬还没挖到,也拿到了卢恩
原帖由 @hzde884 于 2019-8-10 10:40 发表 这些神器下周目继承不?
原帖由 @我要背心 于 2019-8-10 19:35 发表 也就是说走帝国线正常打的话,就五个外传+苏提斯
原帖由 @火星人一号 于 2019-8-12 15:58 发表 我转一个reddit的帖子,要注意的是,五年前的外传只要有一个人在你队里就可以触发,五年后的外传必须所有人都在队里,临时帮忙的不算。 Before time skip, you only need one of the needed students/knights/teachers in your house. Asking them to assist for a month does NOT count. Of note: You might only get the relic weapon reward if the student it belongs to is recruited! Paralogues before time skip: The Forgotten (Sylvain) An Ocean View (Flayn and Seteth) Death Toll (Raphael and Ignatz) Falling Short of Heaven (Ashe and Catherine) Land of the Golden Deer (Lorenz) Oil and Water (Manuela and Hannemann) Rumored Nuptials (Ingrid and Dorothea) Sword and Shield of Seiros (Alois and Shamir) Tales of the Red Canyon (Sothis) True Chivalry (Felix) War for the Weak (Dedue) A World Divided (Hilda) can be finished post timeskip After time skip, you need ALL needed parties in your house for the paralogue to trigger. This means they must have been recruited beforehand! !!! Some of these will not trigger on BE E route despite having recruited the needed characters !!! The Silver Maiden (Dimitri) Foreign Land and Sky (Bernadetta and Petra) Retribution (Ferdinand and Lysithea) > Not available on BE E Route Weathervanes of Fódlan (Annette and Gilbert) needs C support between the two The Face Beneath (Caspar and Mercedes) > Not available on BE E Route Legend of the Lake (Linhardt and Leonie) A Forgotten Hero (Marianne) Darkness Beneath the Earth (Hubert) Insurmountable (Edelgard) The Sleeping Sand Legend (Claude) Eternal Guardian (C support with Rhea needed) > Not available on BE E Route