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There're no shortage of impressions clogging up the Inters when it comes to the as-of-yet unreleased 3DS XL, and though I haven't read all of them because my life will not continue for 328 years, it seems that most people have decided to focus on a few of the most obvious things, things that will be immediately apparent to any turd that picks one up and uses it for more than three seconds.

I got my own disgusting hands on a sample model in Osaka's monolithic Yodobashi Camera electronics store today, and can say confidently that yes, as you've already heard, the screens are so enormous that it makes the unit itself look small. The matte finish causes the thing to look clean even when being manhandled by tiny children, unlike the original 3DS, which, when I first saw a demonstration model, was absolutely filthy, caked with fingerprints and child waste. And it slaps closed nice and hard like an old GBA SP, replete with rubber bumpers.

