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Wii U:
User accounts: Wii U will have individual user accounts, rather than one system-wide account.
NFC: Near Field Communication ("touch" data transmission from accessories, credit cards, etc... sort of like QR/Streetpass combined) will be built-in.
Online: Miyamoto: "Network has to have a totally new concept to be different."

Third parties: Several new, previously unconsidered alliances/partnerships with third parties.
Communities: You haven't seen the last of them!
Retail title downloads: 3DS and Wii U both support digital download of retail titles, but... they still aren't quite sure how to implement it just yet.
Item billing: "We should not decline third parties if they want to offer item billing" (paying to unlock content).
DLC: Still planning to offer DLC (possibly talking about their own software), but needs more time to complete its feasibility study on the market and its needs.
More sharing: "Digital will include user to user communications and sharing" (More social networking integration? More Swapnote-like apps? More emphasis on Streetpass/Spotpass?).
Better-paced software + DLC: Nintendo has learnt that it shouldn't have stagnant periods between software launches: can fill the gap, and DLC can extend the life of a title.
Asia: Planning products for Asia, local partners (WiiQue U?) yet to be announced; still issues of copyright.
Miyamoto still around, Iwata angry at Wired. "Miyamoto is saying his basic work is to create a big hit."

