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[业评] 忍龙3大幅改动已证实,DLC发布在即

好消息是 DLC就要来了。。。


1. No TDS.
2. No unlockable costumes.
3. When you beat it on any difficulty you unlock ultimate ninja mode.
4. Only 3 swords in the game. Dragon sword, Jinran-Maru and Blade of the Archfiend.
5. More human type enemies.
6. Ninja clan mode consists mainly of different color clones and different masks.
7. 2 ninpo, but Art of the Dark void is for Ninja Trials only.
8. Nothing unlocks after beating the game except ultimate and some stuff for Ninja Trials
9. Ninja trials mode is used for leveling your characters with Karma. All the moves in clan battle are earned through karma.
10. No Female Skins for Ninja Trial.

- Ryu is now an government agent helping to take down terrorists.
- Ryu wears an ear piece and uses it to communicate to headquarters with
- 3 weapons (all swords, upgrade themselves)
- Completely regenerating health (not just the non-red part)
- Steel on Bone animations (and yes you still have to press a button to complete the animation even if the prompt isn't there)
- Ultimate technique is stocked after killing 3 enemies. No charging. No essence. And the animation for it is a snoozefest. Three sped up SOB animations in a row? Fascinating.
- 1 Ninpo. It also restores your health.
- Pointless QTEs

---{List of Bosses}---

/// Steel Spider- Day 1- its the giant spider tank that a lot of us have seen in the preview of the london stage

/// Regent of the Mask- Day 1- the guy in the red cloak doing his best phantom of the opera impression. most have seen him in demo

/// IDE-1011 Manta Helicopter- Day2- pretty self explanatory here, giant helicopter with turrets. looks like the kunai climb is required to beat it, so maybe its not a throw away gimmick after all

/// Gigantosaurus- Day3- giant dinosaur that appears to be wearing armor. you can get a quick look at it in the NG3 official launch trailer

/// Regent of the Mask Day 3- phantom of the opera fight part 2

/// prototype goddess "lovelace"- Day 4- wish i had the words to describe what it looks like, all i can really say is its in the vein of other NG fiend bosses and the arms transform.

/// Obaba- Day 5- another hard one to describe with words, its a GIANT demon type fiend

/// Epigonos-Day6- looks to be a ryu doppelganger and has many of your same attacks. also after defeating him, you have to fight him in his final form which i can best describe as some sort of zombie form of ryu. he also uses the TDS as well as the falcon talons and eclipse scythe on you in this form

/// White Steel Spider- day 7- looks to be a bigger version of the first boss with a force field, flame thrower, missiles and it does more damage. oh, and you have to fight 2 of em. also it appears this thing stands up like a power rangers megazord and then proceeds to fly. the guide counts those 2 forms as separate battles, but i figured id lump them all in

/// Regent of the Mask- Day 7- looks like you and the regent go at it for round 3 /// Cliff- Day8- best i can describe him is if you took he-man, made him and 9 foot tall fiend and gave him 4 arms

/// Regent of the Mask-Day8 - round 4

/// Goddess- Day 8- cant really describe her well, but its GIANT, and has sort of a hindu goddess statue head, also a lot of neon lines all over the body like shes wearing a suit from tron

[ 本帖最后由 飞侠小黑 于 2012-3-17 11:16 编辑 ]

  • wq123er 激骚 +1 最骚 Rated by wap for mark 2012-3-16 13:41


- 本作中绫音作为政府特工抓捕恐怖分子 (小弟,能解释下这是啥想法?
- 三把武器,都是剑,其实就一把
- 战斗后自动回血
- 终结技是杀三个人后可蓄一个大招 (小弟这什么和什么啊
- 一个能回血的忍术    (喂喂
-  QTE

