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posted by wap, platform: 小米 平板

- Base Consoles: 1080p native on PS4, XBO is also 1080p but blurrier. Signs of reconstruction to 1080p on XBO.
- PS4 Pro 1620p but shows more visible reconstruction artifacts (similar to XBO) on hair etc immediately after a scene change.
- PS4 Pro version does appear slightly sharper, but the X version looks 'cleaner', doesn't have the amount of specular sheen/aliasing the Pro shows.
- The makeup is exactly the same as the 1 shot demo, and in turn exactly the same as RE7's Pro/XBX versions.
- Pixel count is the same on both, no mentions of dynamic scaling on either.
- Textures and geometry are the same on all 4 console versions.
- Motion blur is higher quality on Pro/XBX compared to base.
- SSR are more dithered on the PS4/Pro compared to XBO/XBX.
- Disabling Film Grain does 'improve' the image quality very slightly but it's not really a notable difference.
- XBX has higher quality shadows and AO compared to XBO (no comment on how it compared to PS4 family)
- The motion blur in the game is per-object, not based on camera.


- All consoles target 60 FPS, Pro has more drops but they don't linger long enough.
- In some tested areas, XBX dropped frames where Pro did not (notable in cut-scenes).
- XBX has generally higher avg frame rate.
- Base consoles have a lot of drops, from 40's to 50's. PS4 fares better than XBO.
- Base consoles would have been much better with a 30 FPS cap.

Using TAA, clean image quality
Good per object motion blur
Xbox one 900p 30fps cap bad frame pacing with noticible stutter and judder but can use 120hz mode which improves things.
PS4 1080p has Cleaner shadows compared to base X1, 30fps cap bad frame pacing with noticible stutter and judder
PRO 3200 x 1800 look like it uses uses reconstruction, uncapped framerate, unstable frame rate 38-48fps
X1X 3200 x 1800 looks a little cleaner. Has cleaner shaper shadows compared to the pro, uncapped framerate 38 - 42fps but has 120hz resulting in less frame variability and is the smoothest console in this mode


  • tommyshy 激骚 +1 最骚 Rated by wap 2019-6-10 20:42

