原帖由 u571 于 2017-7-8 08:26 发表 posted by wap, platform: Chrome BD现在问题是速度太慢了,4倍速才17.5MB/S,8倍速才35MB/S,再高转速就是电风扇了 就算这样跟机械硬盘相比还还是差了十万八千里,现在笔记本5400转1TB单碟都有140MB/S的速度了 ...
原帖由 AndMe 于 2017-7-8 15:41 发表 posted by wap, platform: iPhone 不够,蓝光连100块都不要了
原帖由 yfl2 于 2017-7-8 15:51 发表 posted by wap, platform: Android 那你可以买到出厂价100的ssd的容量是?
Altogether the storage component of the Xbox One S, including the hard disc drive from Seagate and the Blu-ray optical disk drive from Taiwanese-based Philips & Lite-On Digital Solutions (PLDS), amounts to $88.50, the second largest cost element for the console after the processor.