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[新闻] IGN:3DS频繁的3D->2D、2D->3D的转换。糟糕至极的游戏体验

posted by wap, platform: Firefox
原帖由 @lsn  于 2011-3-1 16:57 发表
另外, 找遍整个IGN都找不到levi本人说过这句话......
And herein lies the potential issues with the 3DS. The 3D effect itself is very cool when it works. However, it requires a few behaviors on your part. You must remain focused on the top screen. If you relax your eyes for a moment, look down at the bottom screen, or look away at, well, life, the effect is broken. You see both images. It's just for a moment, but it still ruins the illusion. You also need to keep the 3DS at a constant distance from your face. If you move it toward you, away from you, or to either side, you must adjust the 3D effect slider for the new position. That's not necessarily how you play a handheld. I play console games from a fixed position.

June 17, 2010

