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http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs ... &topic=39490906
Yes is strange but I think that contra is not as popular as we think.

Other games like castlevania or metroid were out in you know what format several days before.

and then
I don't approve of stealing games period, but I really don't see why people pirate niche games and games made by small, indie companies. You can't even claim that you're "sticking it to the man", because all you're doing is ensuring that large companies and non-risky titles that can absorb the losses due to pirating continue to shut out small companies and stifle innovation. WayForward is a small 12-person company that like so many small companies gets to make and release maybe one interesting game per generation and otherwise has to subsist on licenses. Their two previous non-licensed game were both amazing, but they didn't sell well enough to let them do what they wanted to (make more of those games.) Now they're finally having a chance to break the cycle and get their name out there, but it's not going to happen if everone just pirates it.


I looked at Amazon, Best Buy, Circuit City, Buy.com, Walmart, and Gamestop. Every site has a different release date listed ranging from 11/13-11/23 and Walmart didn't even have it.
http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs ... &topic=39524504

