Many televisions, scalers and other consumer display devices now offer what is often called a "game mode", in which the extensive preprocessing responsible for additional lag is specifically sacrificed in order to decrease, but not eliminate, latency. While typically intended for videogame consoles, this feature is also useful for other interactive applications. Similar options have long been available on home audio hardware and modems for the same reason.
原帖由 JACKYZERO 于 2009-3-2 16:35 发表 延迟有降低。但是远远没到0 所以,现在完美无延迟的格斗,还得靠pc版。 mb
原帖由 JACKYZERO 于 2009-3-2 17:10 发表 我是想说pc显示器,基本没这个问题。 现在的平板电视机,尤其是LCD 。问题才最重。
Currently, the only TFT panels known to have this phenomenon are so-called overdrive panels. These include S-PVA, S-MVA, and Overdrive-TN panels. S-PVA have been observed to suffer from greater output lag than P-MVA panels, while IPS, S-IPS and AS-IPS panels are not or only minimally affected.