原帖由 塔尔斯 于 2011-6-29 08:46 发表 这……有点无语~~:D 超任硬件支持透明机能,况且SFC的游戏里,半透明效果到处都在用(甚至有滥用的嫌疑)~ 一抓一大把,FF里面的云、天地创造屋子窗户里射进的阳光、大金刚船桅杆上的雾…… MD《新创世纪》里 ...
原帖由 塔尔斯 于 2011-6-29 10:38 发表 呵呵,我当然知道那个英文是“透明”的意思,只是顺便都贴出来,免得再来找的麻烦
原帖由 塔尔斯 于 2011-6-29 10:38 发表 话说回来,按文中说法,也不太合适就非得说“全透明”,翻译成“透明度”更合适。“……以调色板中的COLOR 0来表示透明度……”,(COLOR 0应该是指 COLOR数组中的第一个元素吧,或姑且就理解成调色板中的第一个颜色值吧)
原帖由 塔尔斯 于 2011-6-29 10:57 发表 具体涉及SFC的汇编未曾接触过,但是只从字面上来理解的话,我会将其理解为:COLOR是一个数组,COLOR[0]仅指第一个下标元素——这样表示的可就不只是一个比特了。当然,具体关于SFC在调色板设定方面的细节没有研究 ...
The Picture Processing Unit (PPU) used in the Super Nintendo Entertainment System has a 15-bit RGB (32,768 color) palette, with up to 256 simultaneous colors. However, while the hardware palette can only contain 256 entries, in most display modes the graphics are arranged into between 2 and 4 layers, and these layers can be combined using additive or subtractive colour blending. Because these blended colours are calculated by the hardware itself, and do not have to be represented by any of the existing palette entries, the actual number of visible colours onscreen at any one time can be much higher. The exact number depends on the number of layers, and the combination of colours used by these layers, as well as what blending mode and graphical effects are in use. In theory it can show the entire 32,768 colours, but in practice this is rarely the case.