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Rotten Tomatoes Will Block Anyone Who Tries to Sabotage ‘Black Panther’ Fan Score: ‘We Do Not Condone Hate Speech’

A spokesperson for Rotten Tomatoes told TheWrap, “We at Rotten Tomatoes are proud to have become a platform for passionate fans to debate and discuss entertainment and we take that responsibility seriously. While we respect our fans’ diverse opinions, we do not condone hate speech. Our team of security, network and social experts continue to closely monitor our platforms  and any users who engage in such activities will be blocked from our site and their comments removed as quickly as possible.”


原帖由 wpang 于 2018-2-7 15:57 发表
posted by wap, platform: iPhone

A hate group is trying to sabotage Black Panther’s Rotten Tomatoes rating

Marvel’s new movie Black Panther is the latest target of an onli ...
Rotten Tomatoes should focus on the preventing and removing of fake accounts vandalizing instead of censoring comment by defining hate speech because the self-righteous enforcing of speech and culture policy is nothing more than pseudo-progressive authoritarianism.


原帖由 wpang 于 2018-2-8 01:19 发表
posted by wap, platform: iPhone
呵呵 阻止恶意刷分比判断hate speech更没可行性好吗
没有明确的恶意留言 你凭啥定义谁是恶意的
但这么多评分网站 刷分从来没有被完全杜绝 ...
Its so true when combating hate speech was emphasized on high priority. They should learn from Oceania and began indoctrinating the citizens with the sophistication of newspeak.

