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[新闻] XBOX负责人:主机党之间的互喷让我感到恶心

原帖由 萝卜 于 2015-9-27 09:44 发表
posted by wap, platform: iPhone
http://www.gamespot.com/articles ... e-of-/1100-6430815/

I've said before, the one thing that I probably find a little distasteful in the discourse around games is the divisiveness that people try to build between platforms. It becomes more about what piece of plastic I own than what games I'm playing. It becomes more about somebody else failing than the things I love succeeding. I don't think that's a good place for our industry. I know that's not everybody, and it's easy to find the pockets of that vitriol and kind of think that that is gaming, but I'm not going to embrace that. I'm going to actively push against that. People sometimes will make fun of me that I mentioned Sony or I mentioned Nintendo. It's not to placate anybody or make them think I'm some kind of good guy. My job isn't really to keep you from buying something else. My job is to make you proud of what we offer, and to give you an enjoyable experience with the product we have. That's 100% of what I'm focused on.


原帖由 萝卜 于 2015-9-27 09:54 发表
posted by wap, platform: iPhone

本帖最后由 萝卜 于 2015-9-27 09:55 通过手机版编辑  
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