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[新闻] WIIU比XBOX360和PS3有更偉大的處理器和更多的RAM!

Wii U has “more RAM” than other current consoles and “really great processor”, says Aliens: Colonial Marines director
Yesterday’s rumour mill was churning out stories about ‘anonymous’ developers complaining that the Wii U is less powerful than the PS3 and Xbox 360. In this Aliens: Colonial Marines video interview, Brian Martel, Chief Creative Officer at Gearbox Software and director of Aliens: Colonial Marines, seems to suggest otherwise.
“The machine itself will be one of the best looking versions of the game [sic]… because they’ve got more RAM than some of the other things [platforms]“, says Martel. “They’re late in the cycle so they’ve got this really great processor.”
Last week Randy Pitchford was enthusing that Aliens: Colonial Marines Wii U would be the definitive version of the game thanks to the unique properties of the Wii U controller. In the below interview, Martel says it will also be one of the best looking (we’d imagine the PC version will offer the best graphics, so to us Martel is suggesting it’s visually superior to the 360/PS3 versions).
Of course none of this gives us any hard facts about the Wii U specs in comparison to other consoles, but at the same time it’s hardly a man complaining about the lack of oomph under the Wii U’s bonnet, is it.

大概是說關於昨天的流言被傳開了關於“匿名”的開發商抱怨說,WiiU是低於PS3和Xbox 360強大的故事。
“機器本身將是最好看版本的遊戲之一...因為他們已經得到了更多的RAM比其他的一些事[其他平台]”說,馬特爾。 “他們已經在開發週期的晚期,因此他們已經得到了這個真正偉大的處理器。”


幾乎沒有一個人抱怨Wii U缺乏魅力!!!!!!!!!!

有人提到有關WIIU不利傳聞都是[匿名的開發商] .還有愚人節的瀑布效應.愚人節過後才PO會讓人信以為真!!!!!!!!

來源:http://www.nintendo-gamer.net/20 ... l-marines-director/



我认为虽然Wii U机能好的有限,但强过PS3和360还是没问题的,也有可能是Wii和xbox一代差不多的比较

