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原帖由 lvcha 于 2016-9-2 08:09 发表
posted by wap, platform: Galaxy Note III
具体现象就是玩的时候正常但是时不时就类似游戏机读盘那样卡个一秒半秒的,比如走到新地方,比 ...
Shader Compilation Stuttering
Xenoblade Chronicles is one of the most susceptible titles to shader compilation stuttering. The GC and Wii have no concept of shaders - everything is executed directly by the hardware without an intermediate programming language (API). Modern computers and mobile systems do not work in this way, requiring the use of shaders as an intermediary so your system's GPU can perform the tasks that the GC and Wii GPU performed directly. Shaders have to be generated though, and since GC/Wii games are not designed to create shaders ahead of time as a PC game would, when a new effect appears Dolphin has to delay the CPU thread while the GPU thread performs the compilation; a pause that does not exist on the consoles. For most games shader generation takes only a few milliseconds, but for a few demanding titles, the shaders that they generate are so large that they can result in noticeable stuttering, in severe cases pauses of over a second may occur.

Eventually stuttering will reduce as a shader cache is built up, but there is no solution to this problem at this time. Changing your GPU, updating your GPU drivers or updating Dolphin may invalidate the shader cache, requiring it to be rebuilt from scratch.

