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[新闻] 《战神:诸神黄昏》角色安格尔伯达是一名黑人引发了网友的争议

posted by wap, platform: Chrome
boba liberal这个词可真精准:
A boba liberal is usually an upper middle class East or Southeast Asian living in the West, typically in the United State or Canada, who identifies as a liberal. However their association with liberal ideology and liberalism is simply a means to increase their proximity to whiteness or to pretend to be white themselves. Boba liberals use their Asianness to speak on behalf of the Asian population in the West, using talking points created by white liberals, which has a tendency to gaslight actual issues faced by the Asian diaspora. The Asian identity of boba liberals is very shallow since it goes directly against their goal of aspiring to whiteness, so they use surface level stereotypical Asian traits such as "liking boba tea" to boaster their Asian credentials. Liking boba tea does not require much personal investment since many people like boba tea and is a fairly harmless non-opinion to take unlike, for example, "the United States should not interfere in China's domestic affairs," or "Asians suffer from systemic bipartisan conservative as well as liberal racism."

Mainstream Asian Liberalism is like boba tea, all sugar, no substance, hence "boba liberalism."

本帖最后由 mitaosi 于 2021-9-17 12:55 通过手机版编辑

