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[新闻] 光环5数字版销量比例接近一半?

Industry analyst Doug Creutz of Cowen & Company issued a note to investors today after the GameStop call, stating Halo 5's digital sales are likely better than what GameStop claimed.

"We especially have a hard time believing that Halo 5 digital units remain in the 20-25% range, as GameStop management suggested on the call," he said. "GameStop gave some other potential reasons for the disconnect between NPD data and Microsoft's post-launch press release, but we don't believe they are sufficient to explain the size of the gap."

"Industry sources support our belief that Halo 5 digital sales were much closer to half of units than the 20-25% GameStop is suggesting."

Speaking generally about GameStop's announcement that Halo 5,Assassin's Creed Syndicate, and Star Wars Battlefront all performed below expectation, Creutz said, "We suspect that the average underperformance vs. their expectations is really being driven by an acceleration of digital downloads."

Talking about Battlefront specifically, Creutz said the game remains on track to hit or surpass EA's 13 million unit shipment projection. "We have always maintained that upside from that level is likely to be modest, but we see no real risk to EA's numbers," he said.

gs ceo说gs第三季度营收下滑的原因是光环5,刺客,和星战的实体销售额都低于预期,有人问到是不是跟数字版占了大头的原因,不过ceo说有足够理由相信这些大作的数字比例都在预期范围内(20-25%),不过随后分析机构 Doug Creutz of Cowen & Company 说不相信,根据业内人士消息光环5数字版接近50%,高于ceo说的20-25%。


[ 本帖最后由 polobak 于 2015-11-24 15:12 编辑 ]

